
Movie: I Identity of the Soul.

If you love poetry and have a few minutes to spare and feel like watching a high quality production, we recommend you watch Identity of the Soul.

This film is based on Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen’s poem, Terje Vigen and Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish’s, A Soldier Dreams of White Lilies.

It combines poetry from the East and the West to highlight what we, as humans, all share in common. It speaks about the impact of personal choices on the human spirit and takes a journey through the trials and tribulations of what it means to be human.

Shot in Japan, Norway and Egypt, the film compiles impeccable images and crisp sound quality, which, together, with the IMAX screening experience, bring the films heartwarming poetry to life. Where deep content, however, was lacking, the films’ production and direction makes a good attempt to compensate.

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